Note: Dinner/Dance will be in Church Hall
St Robert’s Catholic Church
Hennessy Hall
345 Oak Avenue
San Bruno, CA 94066

2024 Conference Videos
Recommended Reading:
Books Available at the Word Among Us Website

At the beginning of the Second Vatican Council, Blessed Pope John XXIII offered a prayer asking the Holy Spirit to "Renew your wonders in our time, as though for a new Pentecost." The rediscovery of the charismatic gifts by ordinary Catholics throughout the world was an answer to that prayer. Damian Stayne, who is known internationally for his healing ministry, shows readers how the spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing, and deliverance were used by Jesus, the early Church, and the saints-and why we need them operating in the Church today. He provides not only amazing stories of God's presence and work in our time but also a host of practical instructions on how to grow in these gifts. This book is both inspiring and a challenge to Catholics to be open to the gifts of the Spirit in order to bring others to Christ.
Link: https://bookstore.wau.org/Lord-Renew-Your-Wonders-Spiritual-Gifts-For-Today

The Holy Spirit is the secret to the Church's growth and vitality-her "fountain of youth"! The Spirit is constantly renewing the Church, and the current age is no exception. In this book, theologian and author Dr. Alan Schreck writes a historical appreciation of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, now celebrating its fiftieth year-a renewal that has touched millions of Catholics throughout the world. Tracing the origins of the Renewal, Schreck outlines its characteristics, how it spread, what is meant by the baptism in the Holy Spirit, the charisms that are associated with it, and the communities that grew out of it. This book is for those who were involved in the Renewal and for those who want to know how the Spirit has moved so mightily in our own time and age.

Your Life in the Holy Spirit offers a popular and comprehensive explanation of the role of the Holy Spirit in the Christian life. In this book, a new edition of Hearts Aflame, best-selling author Alan Schreck presents the Spirit as the "friend closest to our heart," who leads us in prayer, directs our mind with truth, and makes us holy. Schreck shows how the Spirit equips us to draw others to Christ, build up the church, and generate unity among its members. Readers will learn how to renew their life in the Holy Spirit, understand and receive spiritual gifts, and grow in love, joy, peace, and other fruits that are the sign that the Spirit dwells in us.
"Alan Schreck writes as a close personal friend of the Holy Spirit who invites his readers to draw closer to the Spirit so that they can have a deeper relationship with him. I recommend this book to all Catholics who desire a greater understanding of the Holy Spirit as well as a more intense experience of the Spirit's power in their lives."
- Bert Ghezzi, author of Mystics and Miracles